Humans are playing a dangerous game with nature and the result will be in danger to the entire mankind’s existence on this planet in future. Despite of many activist’s warnings, no world country is taking a serious step to uphold the “Laws of Nature”.
A Historic 13-Year Drought Vanish The Chilean Lake
the Penuelas reservoir is littered with fish skeletons and desperate animals searching for water to drink. The Penuelas reservoir in central Chile was the main source of water for the city of Valparaiso until 20 years ago.
rainfall levels have slumped in this South American nation that hugs the continent’s Pacific coast. Higher air temperatures have meant snow in the Andes, once a key store of meltwater for spring and summer, is not compacting, melts faster, or turns straight to vapour. These factors resulted in severe drought.
To remember, Chile is the world’s largest copper producer. The drought will hit the mining output as the water use for lithium extraction and farming is under rationing.
Also, Read | Climate Change Depleting Snow Cover In Himalayas
According to a global study on sea temperature and rainfall deficits, naturally occurring warming of the sea off Chile’s coast, which blocks storms from arriving, has been intensified by rising global sea temperature.
According to a study on variables affecting Antarctic weather, Ozone depletion and greenhouse gases in the Antarctic exacerbate weather patterns that draw storms away from Chile is the reason for lack of rainfall.
Disappearing Forests In Nigeria Will Cost Humans Heavily In Future
Cutting down trees for opening up farmlands or logging or to feed energy demand for a growing population is putting pressure on natural forests in Nigeria.

Nigeria is losing forests at a faster pace and keeping this in view, the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari told a Cop15 meeting in Abidjan, Ivory Coast to establish a national forestry trust fund so that it helps to regenerate the country’s forests.
According to Global Forest Watch, from year 2001 to 2021, Nigeria lost nearly 1.14 million hectares of tree cover which is equivalent to a 11% approximate decrease in tree cover since year 2000 and also equal to 587 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions.
Global Forest Watch acts as a platform that provides data and monitors forests worldwide.