Delta Variant - First Detected In India, Now Surfaced In 132 Countries

Delta Variant – First Detected In India, Now Surfaced In 132 Countries

The World has to prepare itself for the worst to come as the COVID-19 is transforming into a more dangerous form – “Delta” which is a highly transmissible variant.

The virus has got fitter and has got faster in the form of the Delta variant. But we need to implement and execute our preventive measures much more efficiently and much more effectively than we’ve ever done before.

On Friday, WHO said –

The Delta variant of Covid-19 is a warning to the world to suppress the virus quickly before it mutates again into something even worse,

The World Health Organization further stated –

The highly-transmissible variant, first detected in India, has now surfaced in 132 countries and territories,

Delta is a warning: it’s a warning that the virus is evolving but it is also a call to action that we need to move now before more dangerous variants emerge,

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus added –

So far, four variants of concern have emerged — and there will be more as long as the virus continues to spread.

They are stopping the Delta strain, especially when you add in vaccination,

The virus has got fitter, the virus has got faster. The game plan still works, but we need to implement and execute our game plan much more efficiently and much more effectively then we’ve ever done before.

As per the WHO reports the infections had a rise by 80% in the past 4 weeks. As of now, the only solution seems Vaccination. The UN Health Agency has called for consistent distribution of the Vaccine around the world.

According to an AFP count, more than 4 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines have been administered globally presently.

WHO Vaccination Targets for the countries

WHO wants every country to have vaccinated at least

  • 10% of its population by the end of September 2021,
  • 40% by the end of the year 2021,
  • 70% by the middle of the year 2022.

However, Tedros lamented –

We are a long way off achieving those targets,

Present Vaccination progress by the countries

  • Just half of the 194 WHO member states have fully vaccinated 10% of their population
  • Less than a quarter of the 194 WHO member states have vaccinated 40% of their population
  • Only three countries out of 194 have vaccinated 70% of their population

Meanwhile, WHO stated that Burundi, Eritrea, and North Korea are the only remaining member countries that are yet to start Covid-19 vaccination campaigns.

Also, Read | India Declares Black Fungus As An Epidemic

It is to be noted that high-income countries as categorized by the World Bank, have injected 98 doses per 100 people whereas the lowest-income countries have injected only 1.6 per 100. 29 countries fall under the heading lowest-income as categorized by the World Bank.

COVID-19 Deaths & Infections:

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has killed at least 4.2 million people globally since the outbreak that emerged in China in December 2019. Nearly 196.6 million cases have been registered across the globe in the name of the COVID-19 effect.

Proven measures to bring COVID-19 transmission under control:

  1. Physical distancing,
  2. Wearing masks,
  3. Hands hygiene,
  4. Avoiding long periods indoors in poorly ventilated and busy places.
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