Drone Attack On Syria Military Academy Kills More Than 60 People

Drone Attack On Syria Military Academy Kills More Than 60 People

According to the Britain-based war monitor, a drone attack on a military academy in Syria’s Homs, killed more than 60 people.

In a statement by the Syrian defence ministry said a drone attack on a military college killed and wounded dozens of civilians and military personnel.

On Thursday, United States-led forces in northern Syria shot down a drone. Separately, US-allied Syrian Kurdish forces said that Turkish attacks killed at least 8 people. The recent bomb attack near the Turkish parliament escalated the violence in the North-Eastern Syria.

United Kingdom-based war monitor, SOHR (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights), reported that at least 60 people got killed and 9 got injured in the Drone Attack On Syria Military Academy. Previously, the war monitor reported only the death of 7 army officers.

Meanwhile, the Syrian military statement attributed the attack to “armed terrorist organisations” which targeted government-held city, Homs, in central Syria. Homs, organised the graduation ceremony for officers of the military academy.

Also, he Syrian military stated

the attack with “explosive-laden drones” took place “immediately after the ceremony ended”.

The general command of the army described the act as “cowardly” and “unprecedented”. Also they vowed to respond with full force.

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