Israel Respond With Air Strikes To Palestinian Incendiary Balloons

Israel Respond With Air Strikes To Palestinian Incendiary Balloons

Israel-Gaza violence erupted once again after Palestinian militant group Hamas sent incendiary balloons near Nir Am which lies near Gaza and Israel border.

On Wednesday, the situation flared up after the Palestinian attacks for the first time after a break of 11 days of continuous cross-border fighting between the two.

Following a march in East Jerusalem on Tuesday by Jewish nationalists, threats of action by Hamas in Gaza started. Hamas is the ruling militant group in Gaza. Immediately, Israel mounted air strikes in the Gaza Strip.

Earlier, thousands of flag-waving Israelis gathered around the Damascus Gate of Jerusalem’s Old City and headed towards Judaism’s holy Western Wall. This has drawn Palestinian anger and condemnation.

Read, More – Naftali Bennett Is Israel’s New Prime Minister

The procession was originally scheduled for May 10, 2021 as part of “Jerusalem Day” festivities. This is celebrated in context of Israel’s capture of East Jerusalem.

At the last minute, in anticipation of possible rocket attacks from Gaza the march was diverted from the Damascus Gate and the Old City’s Muslim Quarter. But the move was not enough to dissuade Hamas from firing rockets towards Jerusalem.

The Israeli military said –

aircraft attacked Hamas armed compounds in Gaza City and the southern town of Khan Younis and was ready for all scenarios, including renewed fighting in the face of continued terrorist acts emanating from Gaza.

A Hamas spokesman

Palestinians would continue to pursue their brave resistance and defend their rights and sacred sites in Jerusalem.

This is the first attack after Naftali took charge as PM of Israel.

A picture of Israel-Gaza conflict

Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967 war and later annexed it. Though this has not won international recognition, Israel regards the entire city as its capital.

Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of a future state that would include the West Bank and Gaza.

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