Russia Destroyed Western Weapons In Ukraine With Kalibr Cruise Missiles

Russia Destroyed Western Weapons In Ukraine With Kalibr Cruise Missiles

In recent weeks, Russia is gradually seizing territory in and around Ukraine’s Sieverodonetsk. Reports on sunday suggest that the Russian forces has used Kalibr cruise missiles to destroy a large depot with US and European weapons in Ukraine’s Ternopil region.

Russian forces have also shot down three Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jets near Donetsk and Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine where the fighting has been fiercest for weeks.

Rocket attack on Ukraine’s Chortkiv city injured 22 locals as per the regional governer on sunday. On the other hand, the number of refugee crisis has grown drastically ever since World War II. It is estimated that over 7.4 million Ukrainians are fleeing the country and one third of the population got displaced.

Meanwhile, a major development took place in Kherson. The southern Ukraine city, Kherson which is occupied by the Russian forces have started issuing new Russian Pssports to the locals. The Moscow authorities have stated that the local residents received a Russian passport at a ceremony through a “simplified procedure” facilitated by a decree signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

However, Ukraine denounced the move as a “flagrant violation” of its territorial integrity, saying Putin’s decree was “legally void”.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said:

no one knows how long the war in his country will last but that Ukrainian forces are defying expectations by preventing Russian troops from overrunning eastern Ukraine,

Interestingly, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Sunday expressed full support for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) quoted Kim as saying –

despite international condemnation for Moscow’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The Russian people have achieved great successes in accomplishing the just cause of defending the dignity and security of their country, while braving all sorts of challenges and hardships, 

It is to be noted that on sunday, the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine has arrived in Kiev to investigate Russian war crimes in the wake of its continued invasion.

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