Bhutan Issues Demarche Against China Over Sakteng Sanctuary

Bhutan Issues Demarche Against China Over Sakteng Sanctuary

Bhutan’s foreign ministry has issued a demarche to the Chinese embassy in New Delhi Over Sakteng Sanctuary issue. Both Bhutan and China have disputes related to borders.

The reason for Bhutan’s demarche to China is that until now, though there have been many meetings to discuss the territories, China never claimed Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary as its internal part. But all of a sudden China has started claiming the territory as its territory which has angered Bhutan.

Also, read: India China Impasse Continues – An Emphasis

Bhutan has cleared that Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary which is in the Eastern part of Bhutan and covers an area of 650 sq km is an integral part of it and there is no second opinion regarding the same. The Council Member for the constituency of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka have stated that China should

Bhutan totally rejects the claim made by the Council Member of China. Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary is an integral and sovereign territory of Bhutan and at no point during the boundary discussions between Bhutan and China has it featured as a disputed area.

During the 58th meeting of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Council, China tried to oppose the funding to the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary claiming that the territory belongs to them. And it further stated

In light of the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary in the project ID 10561 is located in the China-Bhutan disputed areas which is on the agenda of China-Bhutan boundary talk, China opposes and does not join the Council decision on this project,

Many analysts think that China is trying to shift the world countries focus from India China border tensions. In recent times, India and China are on the verge of waging a war against each other. China has elected the path of Bhutan to divert this and also it indicated India not to involve in this matter.

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