India China Impasse Continues - Analysis

India China Impasse Continues – An Emphasis

Will India-China ongoing border tensions lead to war? If so, will the war be confined between the two countries or will it be turned to world war – III?

India China Impasse Continues - Analysis

As the ongoing tensions between India and China indicate that China is digging its own pit to get buried. This is because China hs not got any International support related to the steps taken to curb the border tensions with India. On the other hand, India has gained massive support from countries like the United States Of America, Germany. France, North Korea, Japan and Israel.

Dragon country is testing the patience of not only India but also countries like Hong Kong and Tibet. Three months back, when the Chinese army clashed with Indian army over boundary trespassing, it might have hoped that India would take a defensive mode and they can conquer the Indian territory as they did in the past.

But in an unusual manner, India has taken an offensive step and pushed back the Poachers (Chinese Army). China has never been trustworthy for any country. The ongoing unrest in Hong Kong is a perfect example. Last year, mainland China has assured Hong Kong that any law that hurts the interests of Hong Kong people will not be implemented. Just a week ago, it has implemented a law that ignores its own assurance to the people of Hong kong.

Coming to India-China current border tensions, China has bluffed that no army action will be taken but at the same time, it has prepared its military Airbases in Tibet targeting India. On the other side, it is encouraging Pakistan against India. Moreover, China is trying to take advantage of the geological location centred with Bhutan country. Bhutan has its western as well as North Central borders with China and East and its North-East borders with India.

To remember, the Doklam issue with China is not related directly to India. But the Indian army stood against China to protect the interest of Bhutan. For the past many years, China has tried to claim Indian state Arunachal Pradesh as its territory. But it has completely failed in this regard. Hence, it has chosen Bhutan to fulfil its evil aim.

India, on the other hand, is keenly observing all the cunning steps implemented by China. India has also declared that it is ready for military retaliation if China forces it. All the three wings of the Indian Army – Air force, Navy and Military have prepared themselves to face and react to any situation arisen by the enemies.

Many countries that hate China are wishing India to retaliate and act against it. Countries that believe that China is the root cause for the COVID-19/ Coronavirus pandemic, are wishing to teach the communist country an unforgettable lesson through Indian military action.

China is in a myth that it can easily handle the Indian army as its official state media have published. But the international support, as well as the Indian army strength, cannot be underestimated. If done so, then undoubtedly, China is digging its own pit to get buried.

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