
China And The U.S “War of Sanctions” Begins

The two largest economies of the World – China and the U.S have indulged in a new war. The war of Sanctions against each other.


Just at the time when these two countries decided to sort out the ongoing Trade War, the Hong Kong unrest issue escalated tensions between the two.

The rage between the two countries began after the U.S passed 2 bills supporting Hong Kong pro-democracy protests last week in their House of Representatives. In Hong Kong, the protests began around 6 months back with a demand for more democratic reforms under Chinese rule after a controversial extradition bill was proposed and also withdrawn.

Also, read: China annoyed by landslide victory of pro-democracy candidates

From starting of these protests in Hong Kong, China has repeatedly blamed the U.S. and the other foreign countries involvement for the unrest.

Now, in retaliation to the U.S. passing of the bill in support of the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, China has announced sanctions related to American NGOs and also announced that U.S. military aircraft and ships would not be allowed to visit Hong Kong.

Adding fuel to this, the U.S on Tuesday has passed another bill related to the detention of Muslims living in the northwestern region of China’s Xinjiang. The bill is named as Uighur bill. However, the bill has to be given a nod by the U.S. Senate and then sent to President Donald Trump for acceptance.

Related to this, the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying stated in detail that

China has suspended the approval of the request by US aircraft and warships to visit Hong Kong in response to the latest Hong Kong-related bill passed by the US lawmakers,

China also started sanctions on US-headquartered non-governmental organisations (NGOs) including Human Rights Watch, National Endowment for Democracy, National Democratic Institute, and International Republican Institute for supporting extremist, violent activities in Hong Kong,

China urged the US side to stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs,

China will take necessary actions in accordance with the situation to safeguard the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, as well as national sovereignty, security and development interests,

organisations have supported anti-China disrupters in Hong Kong and instigated them to commit violence and crimes and secessionist activities.

They should take the major responsibility for the current unrest in Hong Kong and should be sanctioned as a price for what they did,

It seems that more revenge and retaliation steps may be taken on both sides if the same situation prevails. Already the Trade War between the two is affecting the world economies a lot.

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