An increasing number of people across the world are increasing gradually across the World. On Friday, the number crossed the 100,000 mark.
Many countries have reported their first cases in this week which mainly includes India. Approximately 3,400 people are reportedly dead around 90 countries in the World excluding China. China’s death toll alone stands at 3,042 with over 80,500 infections. South Korea has the largest Coronavirus outbreak outside China. Italy has the biggest COVID-19 outbreak in Europe and stands second in death tolls after China. India has already registered 31 Coronavirus cases in this week.
India has urged people to keep clean and avoid mass gatherings as there are festivals ahead which pool people in large masse gatherings.
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As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the fatal rate of deaths due to COVID-19 outbreak is 3.4% in the infected people. The mortality rate in china stands high than the overall death rate. It is around 3.8% in China alone. WHO has urged and warned countries for not taking the coronavirus crisis seriously enough. The previous mortality rate was 2% and now it has jumped to 3.4% in a drastic manner.
As per the WHO, the COVID-19 outbreak will spread to countries which lack public health screening systems as well as medical equipment to contain the spread of such viruses.
On one hand, the COVID-19 is challenging the health of the people and on the other hand, it is sinking the global economy. The COVID-19 has already tumbled the international stock markets.
Major economies worldwide are struggling to cope with the Coronoirus outbreak. Coronavirus has created Health and Financial Havoc. The wave of COVID-19 is now alarming many countries worldwide as it is spreading in a faster manner than expected and also affecting the economies in an adverse manner. If the outbreak tends to spread in the same manner then the downfall trend in the stock market will also remain the same.