India has retaliated Pakistan’s artillery attack which started yesterday. In the process Indian army destroyed 4 terror pads in PoK’s Neeum Valley.

As per the Indian national media reports, Indian army has attacked the terror launch pads located in PoK. Initially the firing started from Pakistan side. Indian army has retaliated effectively.
According to the Indian army sources 4 PoK terror launch pads were destroyed. though there are no immediate news about the number of terrorists dead in this attack, the news is that there are 20 terrorists present in those launch pads. On Indian side, 2 army persons and 1 civilian got killed and 1 civilian got injured.
The launch pads were located in the civilian areas as per the images produced in some of the Indian national news agencies. No civilian causalities are also reported from Pakistan side till now. But Indian army has declared that nearly 6 to 10 Pakistani army have been killed.
Indian army has retaliated to the shelling and artillery firing started by the Pakistan army. The timing of the Pakistani artillery has to be noticed.
Pakistan just managed to get excluded itself from the terrorists country’s list which was just announced. Immediately after its escape from the terrorist country list, Pakistan started its habit of shelling and cross border artillery.
Using this as an excellent opportunity, Indian army has retaliated with strikes on the terror launch pads and completely destroyed them. Along with the terror launch pads, few Pakistan army posts have also been destroyed.
Indian army for the past few months were repeatedly stating that there are hundreds of terrorists awaiting to enter inside India. Indian Home Minister and Defence Minister were also indicating aggressive actions if Pakistan tries some thing that hurts the Indian interests.
However, India political parties have their own versions over these army strikes. Main opposition party in India, Congress, has stated that surgical strikes has become an election pattern for the ruling BJP party. It is to be noted that there are elections in 4 Indian states to be conducted soon.