Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu fails to form government

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu fails to form government

Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu has failed to form a coalition government and conveyed the same to President Reuven Rivlin.

Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu fails to form government

Now, Israel President Reuven Rivlin has called upon the second-largest party leader, Benny Gantz to form a government within the time-frame of 28 days. Netanyahu’s deadline to form a government will end in 2 days. Benny Gantz is Israel’s ex-army chief.

Read the scenario after elections held – Netanyahu and Gantz agree to meet today to explore options

Netanyahu has stated in his official video regarding his failure to form a government. He also said –

Ever since receiving the mandate [to form a government] I have worked relentlessly … to establish a broad national unity government. This is what the people want,

Netanyahu failed to secure a majority of 61 members in the Israeli parliament with a total of 120 members. The result in Israel elections 2019 was a fractured mandate where no single party has got the majority to form a government.

Benjamin’s Likud party secured 1 seat more than that of the Gantz’s Kahol Lavan party. Gantz has gained 32 seats in the elections held. Though the two leaders Netanyahu and Gantz had negotiations in forming a Liberal-National Unity Government, they did not yield a possibility of forming it.

Also, read: Israel Elections 2019: Suspense about the PM post continues

Benny Gantz has the support of its allies has secured a total of 54 seats when compared to Netanyahu’s supporting allies of 55 seats.

Read: Israel Parliament Elections 2019 may result in a coalition

Yisrael Beiteinu party which is lead by Avigdor Lieberman, a former Defence Minister in Netanyahu’s government has become a key role player in government formation. His party has bagged 8 seats.

If Gantz secures a majority then there will be no issue in forming a government. Otherwise. Israel may face another round of elections soon. It will be the third round if happens. The first round of elections was held on April 9th, 2019. The second round was held on September 17th, 2019. In both the rounds, no single party or the coalition has bagged majority seats to form a government in the Israel parliament.

On the other hand, charges against Netanyahu maybe soon announced whether liable or not by the Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit.

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