BREXIT yes-no result create chaos among EU

BREXIT yes-no result create chaos among EU

After the voting in British Parliament over BREXIT on Tuesday, PM Boris Johnson entered in a situation where he can neither celebrate victory nor accept defeat.

BREXIT yes-no result create chaos among EU

On Tuesday evening, voting in the House of Commons has a yes-no result. This means that Britain’s BREXIT deal remains unclear.

In detail about the voting, the BREXIT deal won by a vote of 329 to 299. This voting was for Johnson’s new deal for an exit. This is the first time that a British Prime Minister has won a vote in his favour of the withdrawal plan.

Also, read: EU and UK strike a deal on BREXIT as deadline approaches

But immediately the British Parliament has rejected his time-bound proposal of 3 days to scrutinize and amend the 110-page legislation. Johnson lost the proposal by a vote of 322 to 308 in the House of Commons. The deadline is set for October 31 to deliver UK’s decision.

After this result, Johnson has stated that

One way or another, we will leave the EU with this deal, to which this house has just given its assent.

So now we face further uncertainty,

Some of the Labour party leaders who supported the bill but has voted against the fast track BREXIT legislation has expressed that the bill needs detailed scrutiny and then amendment.

Boris Johnson has said that this is a “do-or-die” situation for him for finalizing the BREXIT deal bill in the House of Commons before the voting.

The deal enables the United Kingdom to leave the European Union single market, diverge from customs, tariff regime schedules and allow Britain to make its own independent trade deals around the world.

After the developments in the British parliament on Tuesday night, European Commission President Donald Tusk has stated that he will recommend the remaining 27 Europen leaders to accept the request regarding the time.

As of now, the situation still remains unclear and uncertain.

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