Somalia Parliament Ousted Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire

Somalia Parliament Ousted Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire

A simmering power struggle in Somalia between President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire has ousted the later from his post.

Serious differences between Somalian president and the prime minister have resulted in the ousting Khaire from his post with a no-confidence motion inside the parliament. The lawmakers voting resulted in 170-8 in favour of Khaire’s removal from office. Immediately, the deputy prime minister, Mahdi Mohamed Guled was appointed as acting PM.

The issue started when a serious difference of opinion erupted between Khaire and Abdullahi related to the upcoming national general elections in February 2021. Prime Minister Khaire wanted the elections to be held on time, but President Abdullahi is in favour of postponing them.

The speaker of Somalian parliament, Mohamed Mursal Sheikh Abdirahman has stated that

The government failed in its promise on the preparation of a clear plan for the one man, one vote election,

President’s allies have accused the outgoing PM of failing to stabilise the security situation in the country. However, Khaire was not available to comment on the result.

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But the internal security minister, Mohamed Abukar Islow, who is also a close associate of Khaire has accused both President and speaker of plotting to remove the prime minister from his office. He termed the removal as unconstitutional.

Some of the political analysts think that the removal of Khaire has become inevitable as the differences between the Prime Minister and the president may affect the country’s security and development.

The Horn-of-Africa country has been holding elections through representatives like elders in the past decade, due to the insecurity caused by Al Shabaab militants group in most of the areas. The country has started conducted the direct elections since the civil war that erupted in 1991.

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