Syrian Civil War US troops out - Turkey operation Start

Syrian Civil War: US troops out – Turkey operation starts

Syrian Civil War is the 21st century’s second-deadliest war. The unrest in Syria started in 2011. The US has decided to withdraw its troops from northeast Syria.

Syrian Civil War US troops out - Turkey operation Start

According to a White House Press Secretary, Stephanie Grisham

US will not support or be involved in the [Turkish] operation

will no longer be in the immediate area

Turkey will soon be moving forward with its long-planned operation into northern Syria,

The withdrawal of the American troops was confirmed by US President Donald Trump. His tweets say

He also added

The Kurds fought with us but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so. They have been fighting Turkey for decades,

Turkey, Europe, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia and the Kurds will now have to figure the situation out.

Following the US decision of withdrawal of forces, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday announced that his army is ready to launch operations at any moment against Kurdish fighters in Syria.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated

There is a phrase that we always say: we can come any night without warning,

It is absolutely out of the question for us to further tolerate the threats from these terrorist groups.

Here is the overview of the Syria Civil War

Adding strength to the Turkish operations against terrorists in Syria, its foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu in his official twitter tweeted

We are determined to ensure our country’s existence and security by clearing terrorists from this region,

From the start of the Syria war, we have supported that country’s territorial integrity and will continue to do so from now on. We will contribute to bring serenity, peace and stability to Syria.

The withdrawal of the US forces has ended a cold war between the US and Russia in one aspect. Russia is supporting the Syria Government headed by President Bashar al-Assad. The US was supporting Rebel groups that were fighting against the present Syria government.

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